New Data Highlights the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program’s Legacy of Service

The Long Term Care Ombudsman Program plays a vital role in providing assistance to individuals who reside in long term care facilities.  See what the Administration for Community Living has to say about the important work Long Term Care Ombudsman do click here

Teresian House Community Outreach Respite Program

Are you feeling stressed from day-in, day-out round-the-clock care of supervision of an elderly relative? Are you unable to take a weekend away or a short vacation for lack of trustworthy alternate care arrangements? Thanks to generous funding through the Troy Savings Bank Foundation, Teresian House is offering a program to give assistance to those in need of temporary respite care that are either unable to afford the daily rate and are currently not enrolled in Medicaid. 

For more information please call 518-456-2000 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Amazon Smile

Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at and Amazon donates to Catholic Charities Senior & Caregiver Support Services.

Support us when you shop this holiday season

Schenectady Today - Volunteer with Catholic Charities

On July 11, 2017, Marlene Hildenbrandt, Executive Director of Catholic Charities Senior & Caregiver Support Services, was a guest on Schenectady Today, hosted by Ann Parrillo.  The segment highlighted the programs of the Agency along with a focus on volunteering.  Follow the link below to the segment.

We want to encourage and educate our community about the rewards of volunteering with Catholic Charities.  The need for volunteers is so great.  And the areas of need are so diversified.  Someone with as little as two hours per month can make a huge difference to another person in Schenectady or the Capital District.  We have seen the impact first hand.  Everyone who volunteers with Catholic Charities says that they get more than they give; that they leave their volunteer time with a greater sense of self, and with the reward of helping to change someone’s life for the better!


Aging Life Services Program

Aging Life Services Program

Caregiver Support Services Program

Caregiver Support Services Program

Health Insurance Information, Counseling & Assistance Program

Health Insurance Information, Counseling & Assistance Program

Long Term Care Ombudsman Program

Long Term Care Ombudsman Program

Meals On Wheels Program

Meals On Wheels Program

Catholic Charities Senior & Caregiver Support Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing services to seniors and caregivers.

Catholic Charities Senior & Caregiver Support Services

1462 Erie Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Schenectady, NY 12305

Phone: (518) 372-5667
Fax: (518) 372-5686
Voice/Speech Relay: 711
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